Support community radio in South Durham
Bishop FM is a non-profit organisation based in Bishop Auckland.
With your support we can continue to broadcast our range of programmes, play local artists and provide volunteer opportunities.

Make a one-off donation to Bishop FM.
Choose the amount to donate on Ko-fi.
Make a monthly contribution to Bishop FM.
Choose a tier to make a recurring donation.
Volunteering with Bishop FM

We are always looking for volunteers to join the station.
Whether you are interested in presenting and producing programmes, helping behind the scenes with technical roles or managing a website and social media please get in touch.
Everyone at Bishop FM is a volunteer. We all share a passion for our local area and the programmes we broadcast.
Advertising and Sponsorship
We offer a range of affordable advertising and sponsorship options for businesses and organisations.
See our advertising packages for more information.
About Ko-fi
We use Ko-fi to accept donations and memberships from supporters.
To change or cancel your Ko-fi membership tier please log in to Ko-fi. See more about Ko-fi in the FAQ.